- Kutztown Vendors
- Farmer's Market Vendors
- Dietrich's Meats

Dietrich's Meats
At Dietrich Meats you can find: - A full line of beef including steaks, roasts, prime rib, soup bones and ground sirloin. - Fresh pork items including chops, roasts (boneless and bone-in), tenderloin, spare ribs and pig feet - Home-raised poultry including turkey, chicken, capon, duck, geese, pheasant, guinea, squab, chukar, and quail- available both fresh and smoked -dietr1 Delicious sausages, including fresh, Italian, hot, and sweet sausage, garlic sausage, and smoked sausage. - Hard to find meats such as fresh beef tongues, hearts, kidneys and liver, lamb tongues (skinned & deveined), Ox tails, fresh pork tongues, hearts, kidneys & liver, Lamb tongues, hearts & kidneys, Fresh Brain, sweetbreads and tripe. - Unusual delicacies such as ricewurst, tonguewurst, bloodwurst, rice kishka, kasha, barley kishka, head cheese, souse, liver pudding, scrapple, braunschweiger, mettwurst and jagdwurst. - Dutch treats such as chow chow, corn relish, sauerkraut, bread-and-butter pickles, mustard beans, pickled beets and watermelon rinds that are made right on the premises.