Home Events Pezylvania
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Renninger's Kutztown


Oct 14 2023


9:00 am - 3:00 pm


Pez collector’s event! 


PEZylvania, held at Renninger’s Antiques & Farmer’s Market, 740 Noble Street in Kutztown, PA, is being held in memorium of Ralph Riovo, who founded the gathering in 2007. Activities, including charity raffles, kid and adult games, a silent auction, and a Halloween Costume contest, will be held in the White Room inside of the main antiques market. The events of the day are designed to bring beloved PEZ© collectors together, with a variety of activities intended to benefit the Animal food Bank of Lehigh Valley.

The Animal Food Bank of Lehigh Valley is one of the longest operating “stand-alone” food banks for companion animals in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  The Food Bank was founded 2005 as an outreach of Trinity Episcopal Church in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.  At that time, Soup Kitchen volunteers noticed that some guests were not finishing lunch. When asked why, they said they were taking food home so that they could feed their pets.  Inspired by this need, fourteen-year-old Vanessa (Segaline) Miller then began a system of monthly pet food distribution to guests of the Soup Kitchen. 

The mission of the Animal Food Bank of the Lehigh Valley is to keep companion animals in loving homes and prevent their surrender to the shelter system by supplying families with pet food in times of economic distress.

Following Ralph’s tradition, those who bring an item from the food bank’s wish list to the show will receive a free charity pin.

Click this link to see their wish list, and to read more about them.