• Renninger’s Antique and Collectibles Consignment in Kutztown will display and accept only quality antiques, collectibles, and related items. Items will be screened weekly and removed if found not to be deemed suitable in the consignment area. We reserve the right to reject inappropriate items.
  • Consignors will have the opportunity to build a dealer discount.
  • Consignors must commit to continue or vacate two weeks in advance of contract termination date.
  • Partial months will be prorated
  • Upon termination of contract, the consignor must vacate their booth or space no later than one hour after the contract expires.
  • Unless an arrangement has been agreed upon, items left after contracted dates will become the property of Reninger’s Consignment and sold at auction.
  • Renninger’s will endeavor to advertise and promote your items online and through paper advertising.
  • Renninger’s Consignment will take necessary steps to prevent any unsuitable activity, but will not be responsible for theft, breakage, or damage to items.
  • Checks for sold items will be mailed by the 10th of the following month.
  • Months will begin Friday and end Saturday if the weekend is split between two months.
  • Renninger’s Consignment will file PA sales tax.
  • Consignors will receive a detailed receipt of any items sold.
  • Detailed inventory records may be submitted and be kept by both parties, but is not required.
  • Price tags must be supplied by the consignor and filled our to the specifications of Renninger’s Consignment. The more information you include with your items, the easier it is for us to sell it.
  • Items must be properly represented to the best of the consignees knowledge.

Renninger’s Antique and Farmer’s Market
740 Noble Street
Kutztown, PA 19530

Farmer’s Market and Consignment:

Fridays: 10 AM to 6 PM
Saturdays: 8 AM to 4 PM

Antique Market:

Saturday: 8 AM to 4 PM

Flea Market:

Saturdays: 7:30 AM to 4 PM
(Flea Market may not be available during special shows. Check event calendar for show dates.)


Monday through Thursday:
Friday and Saturday:
Fax: (570)-385-0605

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