Swiss Watch
Watch repair and service. All brands and models.
Sue’s Variety Shop
Cellphone accesories, luggage, and fashion purses.
Ruckert’s Sports Items
Sports items for every fan. Nostalgic and Automotive metal signs and Thermometers
Mini Donuts
Mini Donuts
Lookin’ Good Sunglasses/Readers
Sunglasses/readers, clip ons/fit overs, crystal nail files.
Lenny Ponte
Wi-Fi media box, free tv channels and movies, no monthly charge, high definition HD digital antenna for local tv.
K’s Lamps
Fragrance lamps, oils, and crystal rocks.
Jan’s Barber Shop
Men’s haircuts, women and children. Over 28 years experience.
Grannie’s Premier Buildings
Call Linda 407-925-1087 or Tammy 352-272-1191. Sheds
Golf Carts/ License Plates and more
Golf Carts, license plates and more